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Travel Gives Life Purpose


I enjoy traditional thinking but not all the time. For instance, I'm not sure if its all a cultural thing but many people I know think that getting married and having kids and buying a big house are the only major ways of finding purpose and happiness. Just telling some folks that you don’t want kids is enough for them to think that you’re going to live a life that is less enjoyable or meaningful. But its all bullshit because but I’m here to tell you that adventure, exploration and testing the limits of your courage are also meaningful ways to give life purpose too. 


Making travel an integral part of your lifestyle and gaining unique experiences and knowledge is something that is priceless in my opinion. Constantly seeing different places, faces and cultures has an impact on our minds and hearts like most people wouldn't expect.

For example, on a trip to Costa Rica I was at a restaurant and all of a sudden a young boy about 10 years old approached me off the street and asked me if I wanted to buy something. It was 9:15 PM and this child was out still trying to sell his heart shaped leaves in order to bring money to his family. This experience of seeing such a young boy out in the streets so late by himself was the experience that put on the path of donating to various children’s charities across the world.


I started to donate my shirts, jeans and sneakers to families that needed the support.

As a result of this experience it is now one of my life goals to donate and be as helpful as possible to the less fortunate people of this world. That trip will always be a great reminder that giving back to the community is a something that will always make the heart smile.


It’s things like this that you bring back home that can possible make you rethink what your life mission is. Some trips will be life changing and will stick in your memory for as long as you live. 

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