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Hi, it's Jason here, I appreciate you taking the time to read this. I've created this website to help you fulfill your travel goals without needing to be rich or spend a fortune. Learning this information changed my life and now this is my way of giving back to the world.


My hope is that travel enriches your lifestyle in a meaningful way, as it did for me. Because the earth is truly a beautiful place full of amazing people and experiences. 


6 years ago my daily routine drastically changed with just one phone call. 

I got a ring from one of my best friends, named Nate Collins and he asked me if I wanted to go backpacking throughout

Europe for two weeks.


At that time I had never even been out of the country, but being open to new things 

I said yes. And from that moment on

my life was never the same again!

It didn't take long before the next trips followed. From Peru, Egypt, China to Mexico, my family and friends all thought I was going crazy from the non-stop travels.

In total, I was able to visit 60 countries and create memories for a lifetime. I feel so grateful and fulfilled to have had this opportunity and thats why its my mission now to help others accomplish the same. 


“See life in more perspectives

than you thought were possible!”


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